Motivational Speaker & Role Model
Speaker to the middle school, high school and collegiate audience focusing on Leadership, Courage, Bravery and asking for HELP when you need it most. Her message will resonate with your students and staff alike as she weaves true “sea stories” with life stories that uplift, motivate and connect.
Not only has she been a pioneer and helped to pave the way for the women following her, but also a leader, mother, CEO and entrepreneur.
Her words are backed up by experience, pedigree and action.

Joanna was one of our keynote speakers at the No Barriers USA Women’s retreat in Telluride, CO. She brilliantly shared her unique experiences with our group and many good stories about leadership, courage and bravery. What I liked most was her ability to connect with our diverse group of women from around the world. I would definitely recommend her to not only women’s groups, but groups of all types and sizes.
Cindy BeanJoanna came to speak to our entire 8th grade class last fall. She kept our students engaged and literally on the edge of their seats as she not only gave them a glimpse of Naval Academy life and sea stories from the fleet, but also shared her real-world writing experience and made the very poignant point that her writing began at their age. She inspired my students to bravely go after their dreams …and to write about it throughout. I would highly recommend she speak to your school—especially your English classes.
Peter Hovinen